Our Approach

We’re glad you’re here.  Wise financial planning during your divorce process is one of the most important investments you can make in yourself and your future.  We have developed a unique process that has been used to help over 2,500 individuals and families navigate their divorce.


We have helped thousands of families navigate their divorce. 

Financial Knowledge

Have confidence your financial future is in trusted hands.

Avoid Pitfalls

Avoid costly mistakes.

Save Time

Our process provides clarity and efficiency helping to get to agreements sooner.


You can feel confident that things are done right.

Save Money

We help you focus on the important 20% that drives 80% of your results.

Our Values

We believe in divorce financial education

Many of the important decisions in your divorce are financial.  As financial planners we have a unique perspective that will ensure you make sound financial decisions during your divorce process.  Our goal is to ensure you don’t make big mistakes that could cost you financially.

We are Objective

We communicate and present information that addresses your distinct concerns and leads to balanced and agreeable outcomes.  This careful and logical approach, backed up with data, keeps you calm and focused to make thoughtful and sensible financial decisions for your future.

We offer Clarity

Our team sorts through the overwhelming amount of information that may come at you during a time of transition, then prioritizes and presents it in bite-sized facts and steps you can understand.  This allows you to act upon each piece with confidence and focus on what’s important.

We provide a safe space

We provide an environment for you to explore your options.  You can feel comfortable discussing any thoughts and questions without judgment, because we know this is a crucial part of making important decisions.  The decisions you make in your divorce are impactful and so the process should be thorough and thoughtful.

We Focus on simplicity

The divorce process can be complex but it doesn’t have to be.  We start by taking a high-level approach to understand the issues and then drill down on the details as needed.  We have found that the opposite approach of drilling down on the details as the starting point, causes confusion, overwhelms and adds unnecessary expenses.

offering virtual consultations!

Click below to schedule a complimentary 30 minute consultation with one of our professionals.